Saturday, July 19, 2014

One Lovely Day in Taipei + Food Coma!

 Taipei was one of the destinations I have always wanted to visit and I was so glad that I had a chance to join a workshop there so I spent a week there enjoying this lovely city. I traveled there during the last week of January so the weather was a bit cold and rainy on some of the days.

I could never stop gazing at these creative animation painted on almost all of the metro stations in Taipei, I had to stop every time I passed by to snap some shots.
Nangang Subway Station -  I am a big fan of Jimmy Liao who is a  famous Taiwanese illustrator , one of my favorite books  is , " A Chance of Sunshine" which was also made into a movie called , "Turn Left , Turn Right". If you are also a fan of his artworks then yo should not miss going to this station where some of his paintings are displayed on the walls. 

How to get there: Take the Dark Blue Metro line to Nangang Station, you can either enjoy the art works inside the station or look for more when you get out the station, there will be some more by the stairs. 
Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Memorial Hall - this was one of the most entertaining places for me because not only the historical displays were interesting but the hall itself is  used as a multi purpose social, educational and cultural center for people from all ages .

I had a great time here since the atmosphere was very fun with people  doing all sorts of activities from Ballroom dancing to Kpop, cheerleading, Tai Chi, Kung Fun and loads more. I could also view the Tallest Building of Taipei (Taipei 101) clearly from here but we were a bit unlucky on that day because it was cloudy so we could not take a clear shot from it T T. 

How to get there: Take the Dark Blue line metro to Dr.Sun Yat Sen's Station and get out at either exit 3 or 4. 

Time and Admissions: open from 9.00 - 19.00 and it's free of charge, yay!!but make sure that you eat something before you go inside because they don't sell food inside. 

This is the best shot that I could get of Taipei 101!!
 And just before the sunset, we tried to manage to go to Tamsui which is a small city to the north of Taipei and that was a very great choice that we made.
Tamsui or Danshui is a popular destination for viewing the sunset and enjoying the local market by the river side. I was very glad that we got to this place just on time to view the sunset and enjoy the breezy beautiful weather. I highly recommend visiting Tamsui if you are looking for a peaceful place to stroll and just relax for a few hours away from the crowded city.

How to get there: Take the red line to the last station, Tamsui station it will take around almost an hour from Taipei's center stations.
It is said that if you had a chance to visit Taipei then you MUST visit it's night markets, so me and my friend decided to go to one of the largest night markets in Taipei, Shilin Night Market.

The market was jammed with people and tourists from all around the world and also with all kinds of clothing stores, food vendors and small restaurants . In my opinion,  this place might be considered a food heaven for many people since you can just walk and eat the whole night which is completely not me, he he he but still I tried!! 

How to get there: Take the red line metro to Jiantan Station and just follow  the bunch of people walking towards the market.

Time : open from 18.00 - 24.00 everyday 
Food Coma!!!
I don't know about you but I  heard a lot of people craving about the tasty Taiwanese drinks and food which I completely agree with them that Taipei is one the best destinations to enjoy various kinds of drinks and food the whole day and night!  I am contributing a few pictures of the best drinks and food that I had during my trip which I miss so much every time looking at them !

Best Bubble Tea I ever had in my life!!
 Best Honey and Lemon Tea
Taiwanese Spicy Beef Hotpot (Mala), I had this in a small local restaurant but it was so delicious!! I always dream of this hotpot from time to time now T T Who could have thought that this local restaurant would sell an amazing mouthwatering dish like this!
To go lunch boxes were also one of the best things ever, I love how you get many vegetable choices in one box. And all you have to do is just point at the seller what you want to have in your box^^.
 Roasted beef noodles
Vegetarian Hot Pot Buffet at I Like Lotus Vegan Restaurant, this might seem a bit boring for meat lovers but you should try it at least once in your life if you enjoy hotpot buffets.

They serve 3 different kinds of hotpot soup (Pumpkin Soup, Mala Spicy Soup and Chinese Herb Soup)  the taste of  the soups are nothing that I can describe in words and the side dishes are so good especially the baked pumpkins. I am not a fan of pumpkins at all but this restaurant changed my mind! They also have various kinds of sauce to mix in your hotpot. Make sure to make a reservation ahead or else you will end up having only an hour to enjoy your meal because it can get crowded. Website:

Best Cereal (The Cow Cereal)  I ever had in my life, for real!!!
You can never be hungry in Taipei because you will always find something to eat even in the middle of the night if you have a 7-Eleven near by and yes they do also sell amazing tasty food there!!!
*Disclaimer: All pictures are taken by me, please do not use without asking my permission, thank you. 
credits: Wikipedia

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