Monday, March 17, 2014

1 Fine day in Jakarta

Jakarta is one of the destinations that you should consider to visit if you are by any chance travelling to South East Asia. Even though the city is not packed with tourists as in other cities in South East Asia but there is so much culture and beauty to enjoy and explore. 

Start your day at Jakarta's icon , the National Monument - Monas

General info: Monas  is a 137 m tower located in the center of Jakarta city, It was built to commemorate the struggle for the Indonesian independence.The standing pillar symbolizing a rice pestle, while the cup symbolizing a rice barn. Rice pestle and barn are traditional tools to pound rice, figuring out Indonesia as an agricultural country.  

There are also reliefs of the Indonesian history in the outer surroundings of this place. Below Monars, you will find "The National History Museum". Aside from the museum, there are other attractions such The Top Yard, The Fountain and The Park. 

How to get there: By taxi (my Indonesian friend) recommended the Blue Bird and the Silver Bird taxis, they might be a bit pricey but the taxi drivers are able to communicate in English. By bus, use Trans Jakarta Busway and get off at Monas Busway Terminal.

Time & Admissions: Open from 7 - 8 pm ( park/ surroundings) and 8 - 3 pm (The Top Yard / Museum).  Tickets (Rp 5,000 for the museum) and (Rp 7,000 for the top yard) fees are subject to change. 

My experience: first of all, you have to be aware of the terrible traffic jam situation in Jakarta, you may spend hours and hours sitting in the taxi waiting for the cars to move only  several inches. So make sure to avoid the rush hours (8.30 - 10.00) and (5.00 - 7.30) on weekdays. I was stuck in the traffic for many hours and it was a very painful experience!

This place was the first place I visited , the weather was nice on that day and I could feel the cool breeze while walking in the park. I didn't get a chance to visit the museum or the top yard. I know that this might seem just like an ordinary monument to many people but at least it will walk you through the history of this splendid country.

After that , spend your afternoon at Jakarta's Old Town or Kota Tua Jakarta.
General info:  Kota Tua Jakarta (Old Town Jakarta)  is an area of Dutch colonization where you can see many old buildings influenced by the Dutch, European and Chinese architecture style. The main highlights of this area are: Museum Fatahillah, Toko Merah (the Red Building), Sunda Kelapa (The old port of Jakarta), Fatahillah Square, The Bridge of the Diamond City and many more.

There are also many cafes and restaurants at this area for tourists to dine.

How to get there: by taxi to Fatahillah square and from there you can rent bicycles to cycle around. By bus, take off at Kota Tua terminal. 

Time & Admissions: Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9 - 4 pm. You just need to pay for the bicycle rental which is about Rp 20, 000 - 25,000 (per hour)  but it is much more easier if you asked for a guide to take you around especially if he drove for you and it is not that expensive. 

My experience: One of the very heartwarming places in Jakarta, I had a very wonderful experience exploring this old town with a guide taking me around on his bicycle. I really enjoyed looking at classic architecture buildings and the Indonesian people's lifestyles in this area. 

I was also amazed by the guide's driving skills since he was using the reverse way to get to some of the attractions. The guide was extremely helpful and friendly, he was very passionate while explaining the history behind this place which my Indonesian friend translated for me. I really recommend to hire him if he was around, you can see his picture below. 

Just to let you know, this place might be a bit discomforting for more sensible people since there are some smelly and dirty areas. But it was really interesting for me since I learnt a lot from it's history and culture.

To be honest, this was one of the best experiences that I had ever had in life , very simple but extremely stunning! So I don't want to spoil the details, go experience this whimsical town by yourself.

Moving on to the next destination , Ancol Art Market.

General info: Ancol Art Market is a wonderful open air art market located at the Ancol Amusement Park, the market provides a unique experience to enjoy the various kinds of Indonesian fine arts while artists are working on their works as well as a chance to buy local souvenirs. 

Time & Admissions: 9 - 6 pm, free to enter.

How to get there: by bus (check the routes with your hotel as the routes will be different from each area) . By taxi or rented cars (ask to stop at the Ancol Bay). There is a free mini shuttle bus to take you around the bay at the entrance area. 

My experience: If you are an art lover then this will be like an open air art gallery for you, there are enormous amount of art works here such as paintings, sculptures, carves, reliefs and crafts made of ceramic, horns, leather, earthenware, bamboo, rattan, wood, brass and much more. 

My friend took me to this artist whom used scissors to cut my silhouette. It was pretty impressive and shocking at the same time since I couldn't believe the "likeness" of my own shadow on a paper miniature version!! Bravo to him, It also didn't cost that mush plus it was a very nice souvenir to take back home.

Finally, end your day at a relaxing spot of Jakarta city, the Ancol Beach.

General info: There are actually many attractions at the Ancol Beach such the amusement and water parks and the beach is just an option for you to escape the chaos of the crowded city. 

Time & Admissions: 9 - 6 pm, free to enter.

How to get there: by bus (check the routes with your hotel as the routes will be different from each are. By taxi or rented cars (ask to stop at the Ancol Bay). There is a free mini shuttle bus to take you around the bay at the entrance area. 

My experience: I decided to take a boat to tour me around the bay, it costed around Rp 15,000 (half an hour). It was quite relaxing especially after a long busy day. In one of the pictures below, you can see the boat driver imitating Jack of Titanic's pose!!

If you would like to know any further information click on Indonesia's Travel Website

*Disclaimer: All pictures are taken by me, please do not use without asking my permission, thank you. 
Credits: Wikipedia,,,,,

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