Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Stunning Coogee to Bondi Beach Coastal Walk

My friend Nur was the one who took me for this walk while I was in Sydney so I am really thankful to her because this whole experience was just amazing and even made me go back to this stunning place again twice.

We started walking from the back gate of the University of New South Wales towards Coogee Beach and it takes around 30 - 40 minutes. There are many interesting places to sight see along the way. 

Once you are at Coogee Beach, make sure you eat something because it takes around 3- 4 hours to complete this walk as it is a 6 km walk.  We had some yummy kebabs for a very reasonable price. You can also use the restrooms in the supermarkets or restaurants before you start your walk. 

 I went there in mid December so the weather was very pleasant and breezy. From Coogee beach , climb the steep steps up the cliff and walk along the path.  

You will be amazed by the beautiful spectacular views you will encounter , start your walk early in the morning so that you can spend time breathing and just staying in the moment and enjoying life. There are also many activities to do such as swimming, snorkeling, sailing, surfing and so on but that for sure will take extra time. 

There will be many beaches along the way such as Tamarama ,  Maroubra, Bronte and many others. The path is very well maintained but it does have some spots that are a bit challenging to approach but overall, it is a splendid experience that you will never forget!

And finally you are here at Bondi Beach, we started our walk at 11.00 and were at Bondi at almost 4.00 pm because I spent hours snapping pictures and also enjoying the sun, ocean ,  the breeze and just diving into this wonderful universe. 

This is a really worth taking walk for those who have a chance to visit Sydney, you can easily take a bus from anywhere in town to Coogee or Bondi Beach, check the bus timetables HERE . All you need is a pair of sandals, your camera, a water bottle and of course some cash for your way back , I spent only $15 for this trip so imagine how amazing is that .

I don't know about you but for me all that I can conclude from this experience is this quote, "And In That Moment I Swear We Were Infinite", (from The Perks of Being a Wallflower ).

*Disclaimer: All pictures are taken by me, please do not use without asking my permission, thank you. 

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