Sunday, May 18, 2014

Koh Lipe, another paradise in Thailand*

I always wanted to travel to the beautiful beaches in the south of Thailand but never thought that I would really do because I didn't want to get stuck in a van for several hours just to get to the place. However, there was this picture that  I saw last year on the internet that kept on popping in my mind from time to time, trying to persuade me to travel to this whimsical place called, "Koh Lipe"
In Thai Koh stands for Island, Koh Lipe is located 60 m from mainland and can be traveled to from many destinations. 

How to get there: As I traveled from Bangkok, I took Nok Air, a Thai low cost domestic airline to Hat Yai province in the South of Thailand. There are actually many airlines which also travel to Hat Yai but Nok Air was the cheapest during the time of my travel as I went during its high season (April). I had a very pleasant flight and the air crew were very helpful and friendly.

From Hat Yai airport, we took a van to Satun Province (500+ baht per person/ one way)  and it took us around 2 hours to reach  Bak Barra Port. From there you have to take a ferry or a speed boat ( 500 + baht per person/one way) to the island which will take you another 2 hours to get there.

Make sure to sit in the front of the ferry as the waves can be quite high sometimes and cause dizziness if you were sitting in the back of the ferry. As you reach the island, there is this small port in the middle of the ocean which you have to pay around 100 baht per person for a boat to take you to your hotel. 

* The transportation can easily be arranged by your hotel so make sure to reserve through them. Also, make sure to check with them if your flight suits the time of the ferry that takes you to the island because the ferries travel on specific hours only.
 There are 3 beaches on this beach: Pattaya beach which is known as the most beautiful beach on this island because of it's white sand, Sunrise and Sunset beach. The island itself has many other breathtaking places that you can just wander around and enjoy for days, weeks or even months as many tourists do.
 I personally thought that this view from Sawan Resort was one of the most astonishing ones. The clear water is like crystal and it just relaxes your whole mind and soul. 
 I also enjoyed looking at the tropical flowers and vintage objects found on the island!
 Now a tour to the nearby islands is a MUST because your journey wouldn't be completed if you didn't visit these heavenly islands.

 You can rent a boat from through your resort , ours costed (2,000 baht per 4 people/ from: 9:00 am - 15.00). The islands recommended are: Koh Adang, Koh Hin Sorn, Koh Hin Ngam and Koh Tarutao. Aside from sightseeing, you are also able to go snorkeling while you are on this tour. Just talk to the captain of your boat, they are all very flexible and friendly.
 You will be amazed by the under water world just like me. I was always afraid of the ocean because I didn't know how to swim but I tried to let go of the fear and go snorkeling for the first time in my life. I discovered that the beauty in our world does not only exist on the surface but also within and under the ocean. I couldn't believe how alluring were the colorful coral reefs and fish, the captain of our boat also showed me the nemo fish while snorkeling !!
 Another highlight aside from the beautiful nature is the walking street on this island which you can enjoy Thai Southern food and desserts. Among these desserts you should try the Thai Roti bread and the sweet Thai tea. The queue is pretty long and it might take almost an hour to buy one but it's worth it.
 This trip was another amazing trip that I really enjoyed especially that I had the opportunity to experience all this beauty with my family, now I dream of going back there again one day and just drifting in one of the most fascinating islands on this planet. 

*Disclaimer: All pictures are taken by me, please do not use without asking my permission, thank you. 

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