Saturday, March 15, 2014

3 fun things to do in Canberra

A  lady I just knew was sharing her travelling experience n Australia with me . She said, "thanks God that I was in Canberra only for 1 day. It would have been awful  if I stayed longer!!".

Sigh, to be honest I do not think that visiting Canberra or even living there is that bad, I know that there will be some days that you might question yourself , "where the heck have all the people in this city gone?" or "why there are more animals walking on the streets than human beings?" but still there are many awesome places for you to visit and see especially if you are one of those people who love nature and are willing to spend some away from a  polluted crowded city.

"So where on earth is "Canberra"? An Aussie bus driver asked me in Sydney when I showed him my uni's id. "Well, it's actually the Capital city of your country, sir!!". 

1. Get Festive 
The Royal Canberra Show 

General info : It's Canberra's annual agricultural show that has been staged since 1927. You will be able to experience different Aussie style shows, food, shopping, fireworks and lots of other entertainments that will keep your company even if you were alone. The show is suitable from people of all ages. 

Time & Admissions: Usually arranged in February, open from 8.30 - 10.00 pm.  You can book your tickets from their Official Website , fees are $24 for adults and $15 for students. 

How to get there: The best way is by the ACTION buses, if you pre purchase your tickets online then you will be able to get there for free, the parking areas are packed with cars and you might even spend half an hour wandering around looking for a space to park which will be quite annoying. 

My Experience: I think this is the only time of the year where you get to see heaps of people, you can bump into a friend whom you have not seen for a long time or even meet new people from around Australia. Be sure to check the weather in advance because I myself experienced rain and had to run around looking for shelter even though there are many indoor attractions to see. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes because you will be walking all day. One of the things that really interested me were the cute Llamas since that was the first time I have ever seen one. Overall, it was worth visiting. 
2. Show off your Nerdy side
National Museum of Australia 

General info: This is the place where you can explore the key issues, people and events that shaped Australia. The museum also arranges exhibitions from time to time, it's best if you checked their Website for their most recent events. 

Time & Admissions: 9 - 5 pm daily , it's completely free to enter, yay!!

How to get there: Action bus no. 7 on weekdays and no. 934 on weekends. 

My Experience: I was amazed by the architecture of the building itself and  as you enter the building, you even experience spectacular designs. A lot of innovation is used inside the museum to keep you engaged in learning Australia's history, the souvenir shop is a must visit place after touring around as you can find a lot of interesting items that you may not be able to find anywhere else. 
3. Let's go vintage
Village Antiques Shop in Bungendore 

General info: Village Antiques is an antique shop located in the 1830′s village of Bungendore. This antique showroom includes hundreds of antiques, designer, industrial and agricultural objects from around the world. 

Time & Admissions: 9.30 - 5 pm / Free

How to get there: by car, bus or train , check HERE for more details

My Experience: The town itself is very whimsical, you will see a giant doll in front of the shop, I spent a whole day wandering around  looking at the objects, there is also more to see at the back of the shop in its outdoor area. The owner is extremely friendly, you can see her in one of the pictures below (she is wearing a red jacket). I really love this place and actually wanted to purchase one of their objects, the only problem was that it would have been quite difficult shipping them back home. 

*Disclaimer: All pictures are taken by me, please do not use without asking my permission, thank you. 
Credits: Wikipedia, Canberra Show Official Website, National Museum of Australia Website and Village Antiques Website.

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